On Thursday, Cam had his 9-hour surgery and the surgery went very well. After his surgery we had the chance to talk with his amazing surgeon, Dr. Randle, and we were informed that his titanium-cobalt femur is stronger than any normal femur. With the long duration of the surgery, Dr. Randle said he was grateful for extra helpers because they had to move a lot of "real estate" around. Cam has big thighs! Haha. They performed a nerve block in his leg to help him with the pain and so far it is doing an exceptional job.
Cam was in recovery for a few hours when they noticed his right arm was swelling and there was limited feeling from his shoulder down. He could not move it without help from his other arm. Considering the long duration of the surgery and Cam's big size (Dr. Randle calls him a strapping young man), the muscles on his right side were damaged causing rhabdomyolosis. His kidneys were struggling filtering out the byproduct from his damaged muscles from his blood stream and he had a lot of blood in his urine. He stayed in the ICU his first night so the nurses could keep a close eye on both his kidneys and his arm.
They later said that Cameron has Saturday's Palsy in his arm and it is expected his heal slowly on its own. Cam has blistering bed sores on his shoulder and slightly on his leg from laying on those areas for such an extended amount of time and his surgeon said they will heal slowly along with his arm.

Cam appreciates all the kind visits he has had this week. Thank you all for your prayers, your love, and your concern for Cameron! We love you all so much and feel so blessed to have such a strong village behind us.
the Forte Sisters