The University of Utah's Head Football Coach,
Kyle Whittingham, made a surprise visit to Cam in
the hospital after his first treatment of Chemo.
Cam has had an endless outpour of love and support from ALL his friends, family, high school, and community! This past weekend the whole Corner Canyon Dance Company dedicated their end of the year performance to Cameron, on his birthday. Almost all of the dancers shaved the back of their heads in support as well, while sporting #31 on their left shoulders and his "STAY STRONG #31" bracelets on each of their ankles. On top of that incredible Saturday evening, posters have been made, cards, bracelets, necklaces, dog-tags, goodies, flowers, chemotherapy care packages... The list could go on and on! Our gratitude and love for all of your love, support and prayers is unmeasurable! As a family, thus far, this trial has really showed us the love of God through our dear friends and neighbors! #godisgood #fightingforforte
Teammates, Brothers, Best Friends... Corner Canyon Football Team. |
Dance Company & Football Seniors of 2016. |
Cam's close friends surprised him with a little birthday get-to-gether after the dance company concert.. Happy 18th Bro! |