Cameron's First Chemo Experience
Cam made it through his first treatment of chemotherapy on Thursday and Friday at Primary Children's Hospital. He was able to come home last night and is happy to be home on his birthday, TODAY! (If you see him, be sure to wish him a happy 18!)

For the most part, his first treatment went pretty smoothly though. No nausea and no hair-loss... yet. He's pretty exhausted and lost a lot of his appetite, except for his random craving of Cafe Rio chips and queso late Thursday evening. We made sure to fulfill that craving while he still has a craving for some sort of food. However, for the most part his first treatment was more of a mental battle. This active 18 year old does not like being in a hospital bed all day, go figure!
The next round of chemo will be in 12 days, depending on his blood levels. Let's just say this past week has been very educational for us as a family, especially for Cameron and our mom.
The amount of love and support from Cam's friends and loved ones has been overflowing! Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone's continued prayers and support! No words could ever fully express our gratitude to all of you.
When asked if there is anything people can do to help we have just been replying, please pray for our brother. The nurses have actually informed us of a new way people can help though... GIVE BLOOD. He will be needing a blood transfusion every month throughout this whole process and no matter your blood type, blood donations will help all other patients in similar situations as Cam. #cancersucks #fightingforforte #staystrong #31 #ichoosestrength